Associate Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics

Shear bands

1. Shear bands emergence from thin reinforcement tip

Considering a lamellar (zero-thickness) rigid inclusion, so-called ‘stiffener’, embedded in a uniformly prestressed (or prestrained) subject to a homogeneous far-field deformation increment, the movie shows the emergence of shear bands from the inclusion tips at increasing values of prestress.

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2. Shear band propagation

We have proposed a weak line inclusion model in a nonlinear elastic solid to analytically quantify and investigate, for the first time, the stress state and growth conditions of a finite-length shear band in a ductile prestressed metallic material. The deformation is shown to become highly focused and aligned coaxial to the shear band and the energy release rate to blow up to infinity, for incremental loading occurring when the prestress approaches the elliptic boundary, concluding that the propagation becomes ‘unrestrainable’.

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