Associate Professor of Solid and Structural Mechanics


2009 PhD Degree in "Materials and Structural Engineering", University of Trento, Italy
2005 Civil Engineering Full-Honors Degree, University of Trento, Italy

Professional experiences

10/2019 - Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
12/2010 - 9/2019 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
10/2010 - 12/2010 Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy. Host: Prof. L Bardella
11/2009 - 09/2010 Research Associate, Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering, University of Trento, Italy. Host: Prof. D. Bigoni and Prof. L. Deseri
11/2008 - 10/2009 Research Associate, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. Host: Prof. J.R. Willis
8/2007 Visiting Scientist at the Department of Mathematics, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. Host: Prof. A.B. Movchan

Teaching experiences

6/2024 Lecturer of "Perturbation methods for dynamics and stability of structures" (6h) within the PhD Course "Perturbation methods: theory and applications (River Morphodynamics and Structural Mechanics)", PhD School of Civil, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
2024 - Lecturer of "Configurational forces in structural mechanics", given by Prof. Francesco Dal Corso to the Master Students in Mechanical Engineering of the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, May 20, 2024, Osaka (JP).
9/2023 Lecturer of the 3rd Training School - Technological aspects of the engineering of lightweight structures of the ITN Marie Curie project "LIGHTEN", University College London, UK
2023 - Reference person for the Master Course "Dynamics and Plastyicity of Structures" (100h), School of Civil Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
2023 - Lecturer of "Dynamics of Structures" (60h) and of "Theory of Plasticity" (30h) within the Master Course "Dynamics and Plastyicity of Structures" (100h), School of Civil Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
2023 - Lecturer of the PhD Course "Waves in metamaterials and periodic structures" (3h), PhD School of Civil, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
7/2022 Lecturer of the RE-FRACTURE2 Summer School - Nonlinear and extreme mechanics of the ITN Marie Curie project "RE-FRACTURE2", University of Trento, Italy
5/2022 Organizer and lecturer of the 2nd Training School - Computational mechanics and data-driven design of materials and structures of the ITN Marie Curie project "LIGHTEN", University of Trento, Italy
9/2021 Lecturer of 1st Training School - Characterisation and modelling of structural membranes of the ITN Marie Curie project "LIGHTEN", online
12/2020 Organizer and lecturer of the 2nd Training School of the ITN Marie Curie project "INSPIRE", University of Trento, Italy
2019 - Reference person for the Master Course "Instability of Structures" (60h), School of Civil Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
2019 - Lecturer of "Instability of discrete structural systems" (30h) within the Master Course "Instability of Structures" (60h), School of Civil Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
12/2017 Lecturer of the PhD Course "Nonlinear mechanics of structures" (10h), PhD School of Civil, Environmental, and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
2015 - 2022 Reference person for the Master Course "Theory and Dynamics of Structures" (120h), School of Civil Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
2013 - 2022 Lecturer of "Theory of Plasticity" (30h) within the Master Course "Theory and Dynamics of Structures" (120h), School of Civil Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
2009 - 2022 Lecturer of "Dynamics of Structures" (60h) within the Master Course "Theory and Dynamics of Structures" (120h), School of Civil Engineering, University of Trento, Italy
2006 - 2009 Teaching Assistant of Undergraduate courses "Structural Mechanics", "Theory of Elasticity", "Strength of Materials", School of Engineering, University of Trento, Italy


2023 Award for the Best Video in the Gallery of Nonlinear Dynamics at the IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear dynamics for design of mechanical systems across different length/time scales, July 31 - August 4, 2023, Tsukuba, Japan;

2022 Research on “failure mechanisms in ductile damaged materials with numerous rigid line inclusions” featured on the cover of the 2022 volumes of the International Journal of Solids and Structures;

2019 2018 DICAM Teaching Excellence Award, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering of the University of Trento, Italy;

2017 Research on the “mechanics of soft robot arms” featured on the cover of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A (473, 2198, Feb 2017);

2015 Research on the “torsional locomotion” featured on the cover of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A (471 – 2175, Mar 2015);

2015 Exhibition of the “elastica arm scale” for the Metrology Day 2015 at Scale Museum (Campogalliano, Italy);

2014 Research on the “elastica arm scale” featured on the cover of the Proceedings of the Royal Society A (470 – 2170, Oct 2014);

2013 AIMETA Junior Prize in Solid and Structural Mechanics, XXI AIMETA Congress in Torino, Italy;

2012 Ceramic TTD (Technology Transfer Day) award (together with Prof. Bigoni and Prof. Piccolroaz), Tecnargilla2012 in Rimini, Italy;

2009 Award for outstanding Thesis, University of Trento, Italy.

Research Grants

Conference Organization

Referee activity

Editorial Responsability
Examiner of PhD theses
  • Chiara Bernard (2024) Dynamical models, chemo-mechanical coupling and numerical recipes for some soft biological systems, University of Trento (Italy);
  • Luca Cecchini (2024) Geraniaceae seed-inspired soft robots for environmental actuation and sensing, University of Trento (Italy);
  • Vincenzo Fazio (2024) Multiscale models based on statistical mechanics and physically-based machine learning for the thermo-hygro-mechanical behavior of spider-silk-like hierarchical materials, University of Trento (Italy);
  • Samantha Carolina Mora Hidalgo (2024) Design of Kresling inspired architected materials by using Polyjet technique, University of Trento (Italy);
  • Fabrizio Aloschi (2023) Analysis of nonlinear metamaterials and metastructures for mitigation and control of elastic waves, University of Trento (Italy);
  • Naga Manikanta Kommanaboina (2023) Development of MEMS-Based Devices for Characterizing 2D Nanomaterials at Low Temperatures, University of Trento (Italy);
  • Deison Preve (2022) Thermoelastic and Fracture Responses of Periodic Materials: Theory and Applications to Laminates and Triply Periodic Minimal Surfaces, IMT School of Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy);
  • Marco Rossi (2021) Dynamics and stability of discrete and continuous structures: flutter instability in piecewise-smooth mechanical systems and cloaking for wave propagation in Kirchhoff plates, University of Trento (Italy);
  • Riccardo Cavuoto (2021) Phase-field and reduced peridynamic theories for fracture problems, University of Trento (Italy);
  • Daniel O'Shea (2019) Hyperelasticity for Soft Biological Tissues and Fibre-Reinforced Composites using Orthotropic Fourth-Order Tensors, University of New South Wales (Australia).

Research funding referee
  • Referee for ISF (Israel Science Foundation) Personal Research Grants (2022);
  • Referee for FRIAS (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies) COFUND fellowship (2018);

Reviewer for scientific journal (12 till July 2024; 20 in 2023; 29 in 2022; 25 in 2021; 24 in 2020; 24 in 2019; 16 in 2018; 32 in 2017; 17 in 2016; ...)

  • Applied Sciences;
  • Acta Biomaterialia;
  • Acta Mechanica Sinica;
  • AIP Conference Proceedings;
  • Applied Mathematical Modelling;
  • Archives of Mechanics;
  • Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation;
  • Composites Part B: Engineering;
  • Composite Structures;
  • Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering;
  • Construction & Building Materials;
  • Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics;
  • Engineering Fracture Mechanics;
  • Engineering Structures;
  • European Journal of Physics;
  • European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids;
  • Experimental Mechanics;
  • Extreme Mechanics Letters;
  • Frontiers in Materials;
  • Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering;
  • IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters;
  • International Journal of Mechanical Sciences;
  • International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics;
  • International Journal of Solids and Structures;
  • International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering;
  • Journal of Applied Mechanics - ASME;
  • Journal of Composite Materials;
  • Journal of Elasticity;
  • Journal of Composite Materials;
  • Journal of Engineering Mechanics;
  • Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science;
  • Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures;
  • Journal of Physics A;
  • Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology - ASME;
  • Journal of the European Ceramic Society;
  • Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids;
  • Journal of the Royal Society Interface;
  • Mathematical Problems in Engineering;
  • Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids;
  • Materials & Design;
  • Meccanica;
  • Mechanics of Materials;
  • Mechanics Research Communications;
  • Nature Computational Science;
  • Nonlinear dynamics;
  • Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A;
  • Proceedings of the Royal Society A;
  • Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics;
  • SAGE Open;
  • Scientific Reports;
  • SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics;
  • The European Physical Journal Plus;
  • Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics;
  • Thin-Walled Structures;
  • ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.

Students supervision

PhD students
  • Andrea Mirandola (expected PhD defense in Winter 2024-25);
  • Mohammad Hosein Nejabatmeimandi (PhD 2024);
  • Marco Amato (PhD 2024), currently Post-Doc at Czech Technical University (Prague);
  • Mattia Nardin (PhD 2023), currently Engineer for the Publication Administration of Trento (Italy)
  • Panagiotis Koutsogiannakis (PhD, 2019) currently post-doc at University of Trento (Italy);
  • Nikolin Hima (PhD 2022), currently Structural Engineer at Archest (Italy);
  • Alessandro Cazzolli (PhD, 2020) currently Structural Engineer at ProPlan (Italy);
  • Gianluca Rizzi (PhD, 2019) currently Assistant Professor at TU Dortmund (Germany);
  • Costanza Armanini (PhD, 2018) currently post-doc at Khalifa University (United Arab Emirates);
  • Summer Shahzad (PhD, 2016) currently Structural Engineer at Ramboll Espoo (Finland);
  • Federico Bosi (PhD, 2015) currently Associate Professor at the University College London (United Kingdom);
  • Diego Misseroni (PhD, 2013) currently Associate Professor at the University of Trento (Italy);
  • Mattia Bacca (PhD, 2013) currently Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia (Canada).

Post-doc Students
  • Panagiotis Koutsogiannakis;
  • Massimo Paradiso;
  • Diana Giarola, currently Structural Engineer at Archest (Italy);
  • Alessandro Cazzolli, currently Structural Engineer at ProPlan (Italy);
  • Eliana Bortot, currently Associate Researcher at Fraunhofer Italia - IEC (Italy);
  • Theodosios Papathanasiou currently Senior Lecturer at Aston University, Birmingham (United Kingdom);
  • Thanasis Zisis currently Associate Professor at National Technical University of Athens (Greece).

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